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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Shitty cold!!

Went to bed feeling like crap, with a cold (man-flu i should like to point out) and woke up feeling like a freight train had ran me over during the night. In a valiant effort to "get on with things" such as is demanded by she who must be obeyed, I went to work early. However after four painkillers, and a bunch of phonecalls to colleagues north of the border i decided i'd had enough and couldn't endure the sinus pain any longer.
So i've been sitting on the sofa for the last two hours moping around. Thankfully however my special edition box set of Firefly arrived this morning so i've been watching them trying to watch my way through the pain.
Stupidly in my dosed up dozy state i failed to realise that the box was far easier to open and in fact didn't even require opening, so i've damaged it slightly, but i'll forgive myself for that this time. In truth i've had a bit of a dangerous few weeks when it comes to damaging things! less about that for now though! ;)
So i just thought i'd jump on here and vent some steam by moaning about this stupid god forsaken cold! I'm not particularly bothered about colds after a few days once i dry up, but the wiping and rubbing every 10 seconds drives me bloody crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :/
Spoke to Mesh today, fingers crossed the new machine should be here on Thursday all being well. They said the order wuld be shipped tonight, though i'm not 100% inclined to believe them. Just need to find a disk with MS office on it now, i can't decide if i want to use open office or whether i should just go with MS Word & Co for ease.

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