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Monday, May 07, 2007

Painting day!

Just got into bed, have spent the entire day painting the nursery with my mother under the control of her who must be obeyed. I'll post pictures of the finished nursery room when we finally get the furniture and shelves in the room and done.
Quite suprisingly we managed to get four coats of paint on the room in just a under five hours. The room itself was a tip site less than three weeks ago, full of old furniture, an old bed unit, boxes of old computer hardware, software and dusty bags of dusty toys, board games and old consoles. accompanied by a strange set of dolls, teddy's and just basically crap that my wife and i have collected over the last 27 years of our lives.
It had a very heavy coat of a turquoise matt paint on it, that's been on there since we moved in and decorated it 8 years ago. However today it's gone from Turquoise, to light green, to white, to faintly blue then finally to "Seafoam" ii'd link to the colour but i can't find it listed on any decorating sites!
Just waiting now for a few of these things to be completed.

1. Picture rail needs replacing in a small corner area, possibly along with a new skirting board
we've boxed off some pipes that were fitted for a new radiator and it would seem sensible to try and make this box appear to be as much a part of the room as possible. These also need to be glossed asap.
2. Cot and Small Rocking Horse haven't yet been delivered
3. Carpet needs to be replaced
4. Wardrobe, Chest of drawers and toybox/blanket box need to be put into the room.
5. Bookshelves to be installed

The list is getting smaller but the biggest impediment is that we kindly aren't doing all this work ourselves. in-fact we've done little ourselves, the in-laws on both side have been bearing the brunt of this work. the door frame and walls required some major plasterwork and remoddelling and father in-law has been thrust to the fore to get this work done. Thankfully it's all done now and just the above list is left.
Interestingly though we're approaching the final 5 weeks now, and it wont be done at least for another couple of weeks because the wardrobe doesn't arrive until at least the 25th. I'll keep adding to this work in progress and will take photo's as soon as there's something worth seeing!

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