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Friday, June 22, 2007

Welcome to the new world order

Baby Elliot!

I'll leave it quite simply at that for the time being, there's a story to tell, but right now isn't the time for it i'm sure.

To everyone that's been texting me over the last few days/weeks, the wait is finally over!

Thank you everyone!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I realise now that my last post

was actually quite pre-emptive. It seems that the last couple of days have flown by and the "contractions" have actually been nothing more than "braxtons", sadly this has meant i've been at work repeatedly (though it's actually a burden i have partially enjoyed). God knows when things will change and the baby will arrive, but it's probably quite safe to say now that it's probably going to be soon.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Interesting or perhaps not

Well it's entirely possible that this whole labour thing might actually start some time soon. we've gone through plenty of braxtons and cramps etc.. but we really don't know quite when things will start.
I've been in a foul mood today so i phoned ahead when i left work to warn her, to be greeted by someone just as frustrated on the other end of the phone. It seems she's been having cramps repeatedly this afternoon, but they dont presently seem to be worsening or anything. So god knows what's going on to be quite honest.
I'm still in a bad mood, but now at least that means there's two of us being quite grumpy lol.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Well that's +5 days!

And still absolutely no sign whatsoever! (is that a real word? doesn't look right all combined like that) No broken waters, no cramps, no pains, no aches...
I'm starting to wonder just when exactly this little blighter intends on arriving. Today (18th) is our anniversary, we've been married now for two years. (cotton? someone suggested i believe) I really can't think of a more useless anniversary gift. Gold, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Silver etc.. i understand, but cotton? paper? card? Those just sound like pathetic excuses to make people buy cards and gifts for each other! Which is also something we've decided not to do this year. In my own personal belief it sets a bad precedent, as i very much doubt we'll ever start up the gift buying again. But i guess we've got something else to look forwards to spending money on at this time of year.
I was also made aware today that depending on it's arrival date it may well not be the Gemini expected. In-fact it would be a Cancer, though i have to admit i know nothing about star signs (outside my own) and have little belief in their stated attributes, though i do know from experience that most people are quite convinced my "Scorpio" attributes are quite telling. So i'm going to do some research and find out exactly what these star signs may mean for my offspring.
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