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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Strange Week

Started out pretty well, was busy as hell at work and tired as hell at home as Billie's been making the whole sleeping thing pretty uncomfortable with all the restlessness and grumbling about the bump (13 weeks to go at the moment).
All was going pretty well until Wednesday. I took the afternoon off work so that i could be in when the Virgin Media installer came to replace our STB with a V+ box (damn i'm impressed with it!!)
I got home to find that he'd already been and installed it but that my wife wasn't feeling well, so i drove her to the doctors expecting her to be told to put her feet up and rest a little.
However by 3pm we'd been rushed into Sunderland Royal A&E because they were concerned about her health. After a little time in A&E she'd had a number of blood tests done, an ECG they'd taken blood from the artery as well as the vein (painful from the artery she says). Then she was wheeled down to X-Ray for them to check out her chest was clear. Thinking this would be the end of the poking and prodding they returned her to a CDU ward while they awaited the results of the tests. Kindly failing to inform us this meant she'd be in overnight as the test results would take a few hours and the registrar and consultant would need to look at them before making a decision.
So by the time it got to 10pm we started to realise I'd need to pick up a few clothes for her to sleep in and i was pretty desperate for some food as I'd not eaten since 8am. So i ran home and picked up the most unsuitable pyjamas i could find (i can never find anything when I'm panicked)
Sadly the saga didn' t end there, the ward repeatedly told her she'd be seen by a doctor soon so i waited to see what would happen though by 11:40 i'd had enough and bid her goodnight. Obviously by the time i got home and got some sleep it was at least 4am so when i awoke at 8am i decided that work had no chance, got dressed and went to find my wife at the hospital.
Only to be told when i got there that the panic was all over possible blood clots on her heart and lungs (they claim they happen more often during pregnancy) and it seems Billies symptoms match those of a possible clot, though the blood tests didn't appear to show the likelihood of them being there / occurring. So there was a big debate over whether she needed to have more scans and x-rays which kept us there until late Thursday.
Thankfully she was allowed to come home and we got her settled in the house. Unfortunately the bump was most unimpressed with the stress all this had caused and remained restless for the entire period. In-fact it's been so restless since the hospital that Billies still sore from all the kicking and twisting and she's now been out of hospital for three days!
I really do appreciate the fact that all the medical staff took her health seriously and did everything they could to ensure she was thoroughly checked out. I just find it disapointing that the ward staff were completely unforgiving of my wife and unborn childs obvious distress at what was going on. For a woman 27 weeks pregnant to be dragged into hospital and thrown onto a ward of obviously uncomfortable and distressed patients is extremely disconcerting and considering my wifes emotions were running extremely high there was little to no concern. And i've never had any problems with male nurses before, but it seemed that the guy on duty overnight had absolutely no sympathy at all. To have him shouting "You can't go anywhere you will DIE if you have a blood clot!" at you is really not helpful when the only thing she really wanted was to go home and get some sleep in a comfortable bed. I really hope i never bump into the lad again outside of the hospital, i was incredibly annoyed and tempted to throw a fist into his face on the ward! (I suspect this would have been much to the amusement of the onlookers, but a bad decision non the less!).
I'll call it a night here as i really need to get some rest before work tomorrow.
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