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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Well just got home..

Had another late night, went to visit Ryan to see if i could solve his PC problems... Of course as soon as i get there the machine was working completely fine. I sped up the Fan on the CPU heatsink in-case the machine had been overheating in the hot, stuffy weather but no matter what i did with the machine i couldn't get it to freeze as he was describing, and there was definately no bios beeping that he'd complained about.
Frankly i haven't the foggiest what was wrong with it.. though it wouldn't suprise me if the ex army PSU (600w) that he fitted or the lack of h/d space is what's causing the problem.
I gave up when i couldn't find anything wrong... updated his Antiviral program and set his brothers machine away defragging and checking for spyware.
Needless to say within a couple of hours of me getting home i'm told it's frozen again! i'm starting to think that Mr loosehead is extremely good at breaking things when i aint free to fix em... ;) you know i <3 you mate! lol


Back to work...

Wonder what it is that makes returning to work after a long weekend so hard, stomach was churning all morning as i was desperate not to go in. But as per normal by the time it hit 12 i realised i had no choice.. i managed to delay that moment by another hour (thank god for flexi time!) but i went in eventually.
Another dull day... same people, same problems, same answers... despite opening late to cover "customer requirements" i didn't speak to a single customer after 6pm... frankly i think they've better things to do.
The thing i hate most about late night shifts is that when i get home in an evening i don't seem to be able to switch off my mind. Tonight was no different, i sat awake until 4am wednesday morning. i suspect Apocolypse Now: Redux is partly to blame for that, but it's the same every night i work late, even if i don't throw a film on i end up sitting in the dark wide awake.
Oh well.. i'll post todays later...


Monday, August 28, 2006

Bank Hols!


A day of sun, fun and joy.... or maybe not. Spent the whole day bored stiff, jumped on and off DAoC on occassions but couldn't find much to keep me entertained.

Ended up with my hands under the floor helping the in-laws with rebuilding our central heating pipes.

Well that'll do for tonight, i'm knackered and filthy!


Sunday, August 27, 2006

Warhammer Online & PoE2

Well had an interesting day today, The in-laws were visting to do some work on the house and were quite happilly eating us out of house and home all day. Not that it bothers either of us, we're grateful for their knowledge and labour to help with fitting the new central heating. ;)

I spent some of today playing the Point Of Existence BF2 mod that was released on friday with my ~SiR~ clan mates on the Cannabis City server. I haev to admit i was impressed with the mod, but after a few hours i can be certain that i far prefer vanilla BF2. PoE is good, but preferably (for me) in small doses.

After messing around on PoE i went and joined my guildmates on DAoC for a few hours of hunting, The Hibs had truly buggered up the Alb frontier overnight and were pushing to take our relics, so a CTA was called and we helped resecure the homelands. Afterwhich i spent a few hours (unsuccessful for the most part) hunting targets around Beno, Bled and DF before finally getting frustrated and logging for the night.
Before hitting the sack i decided to take a look at what Mythic has been cooking up with Warhammer and after watching the trailer i find myself eagerly looking forwards to this new MMO. Though i suspect it's likely to be late 2007 or even 2008 before it's actually launched, it is looking bloody fantastic! The trailers appear to be FMV rather than actual game screenshots, but i dont mind, i've seen some sneaks from E3 that were uploaded to youtube and i hope this game lives up to expectations. Mythic did well with DAoC's RvR system and i hope to see more from Warhammer.

I'll update this with hyperlinks tomorrow, but for now i really need to get some sleep (2am!!)

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