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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Well this puts us into the positives... hmmm

Well when i posted yesterday afternoon (well today really but seeing as i'm posting again after midnight it really is tomorrow!) i was hoping in my heart of hearts that the due date would be the day i met my offspring. However the evening has passed without any sign of the happy event (with the exception of a few kicks and movement) so as we cross into the T-Plus 1 day mark i guess i should just buckle myself in for the ride.
All these midwives and mothers that repeatedly said "your first is normally late" appear to know what they're talking about. Now honestly the only good thing i can find about this is that judging by the weather i'd rather he/she didn't arrive this week, i'd rather enjoy my paternity leave with a little sunshine so we can bond in the sunshine! But frankly i'm getting frustrated at work now. Nothing at all to do with the work, just the fact that i think in my minds eye i've already forseen this coming break and have planned what we'd be doing today with our newborn. But as per normal the control is removed from my hands and passed firmly into the realm of fate.
What an utter bastard! Well wish us luck! I'll try to post updates daily, i'm actually quite enjoying the calming effect of being able to get the frustration out without anyone caring about the webspace i waste (well possibly with the exception of Google, Blogger and the providers that make this space available!)
Oh and Sister! Enjoy texting me because i'm going to make sure when or if you have one of these things i will rub it all back in tenfold! :P

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

T-Minus 0 days!

Though the signs of labour seem to be nowhere in sight. Most recent contact indicates that she is in fine fettle and has no intention of birthing today.
Sadly until the "event" begins i'm stuck at work, so i'll keep this short and succinct. Frankly i want to be at home with my wife, but frustratingly as HMG only deem 2 weeks leave to be appropriate that's impossible at this time.
With all the fuss over pensions at the moment you'd think that the government might cut fathers to be a little slack at the moment. Seeing as we're in the middle of a "Baby Boom" (i have my doubts but the sensationalist media; ok i don't really mean that but i thought it was funny! have informed us that there is indeed a boom of babys presently) One might think that it would be sensible to encourage those of us that want to procreate to have more children who will work to pay off our pensions over the next 70 years. But it seems even the sensible decree to allow fathers to be four weeks paternity leave has been rejected. Four weeks! for gods sake it's not like the time isn't needed. But then as men we are second rate citizens these days, not even needed for procreation apparently.
That'll do for now, it's not as if my complaints will change anything, perhaps i should consider becoming an MP!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

T-Minus 1 Day

Or at least that's the way i figure it? Due tomorrow therefore today must be plus 1 day? I got myself all confused and thought tomorrow would be plus 1 day but after a relatively longwinded conversation with myself i've decided i was wrong.
Well today has thus far passed with little to no incident. Aside from the fact that i was at work all day (though i wouldn't call a 6 hour day a full day!). I got home this evening to find the in-laws were here, sadly they didn't stay long. But they did stay just long enough to half inch (albeit with my permission) my Firefly series DVD's. frustratingly i was looking forwards to watching the "Serenity" pilot tonight, so i'll have to make do with something else to fall asleep to (hopefully something more entertaining than listening to Billies snores!)

There's been a few "events" tonight, mainly the occurrence of what we believe to be a few Braxton Hicks. It's all fun though, so i think i'll go get some sleep now. Will post again later if there's any news.

Ooooh.. wonder if there's any CSI on...

Monday, June 11, 2007

T-Minus 2 Days

Yup, it's getting close now! The bump has been pretty vocal tonight with plenty of kicks, squirms and movement but no sign of any "Braxton's" so presently there's little sign of any impending birth type events!
We've been talking about names again, i think we're pretty much decided on the names we like, it's just now a case of waiting to see whether they're suitable. I'm sad to announce that i will not be allowed to name the child Elmo and paint it red, my protestations that we should try and get the newborn onto sesame street as a replacement for the puppet have fallen on deaf ears!
I shall post further announcement tomorrow evening.
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