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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

T-Minus 1 Day

Or at least that's the way i figure it? Due tomorrow therefore today must be plus 1 day? I got myself all confused and thought tomorrow would be plus 1 day but after a relatively longwinded conversation with myself i've decided i was wrong.
Well today has thus far passed with little to no incident. Aside from the fact that i was at work all day (though i wouldn't call a 6 hour day a full day!). I got home this evening to find the in-laws were here, sadly they didn't stay long. But they did stay just long enough to half inch (albeit with my permission) my Firefly series DVD's. frustratingly i was looking forwards to watching the "Serenity" pilot tonight, so i'll have to make do with something else to fall asleep to (hopefully something more entertaining than listening to Billies snores!)

There's been a few "events" tonight, mainly the occurrence of what we believe to be a few Braxton Hicks. It's all fun though, so i think i'll go get some sleep now. Will post again later if there's any news.

Ooooh.. wonder if there's any CSI on...

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