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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Grey hunting..

Well i spent a lot of Saturday evening hunting players in Darkness Falls. Much of it using my scout.
I've spent years playing DAoC and up until today i've NEVER questioned the fact that a level 50 player can sweep in and kill a new player just for shits and giggles. The lowbie doesn't even stand the slightest chance. Frankly having played the game so long i've been on the receiving end of "grey" hunting more times than i can possibly remember. I've always treated it as a "well i was in an RvR zone, it was bound to happen". But today having spent four hours making a few lowbies lives miserable i finally got to see the side of the hunter.
In honesty i always thought it'd be great getting just desserts on all of those bastards that did it to me. But something didn't quite sit right with me. I had an awful distaste for what i was doing. So much so i even posted a thread on the "Critshot" forum To be honest it's starting to look like most people try to leave the lowbies alone and i very much believe i will in future also.
Although on that note i just found out a few minutes ago that killing the lowbies still counts towards your kill statistics, so despite not earning realm points for killing them you can still earn the special titles for deathblows or solo kills. Pathetic.. yes, i think so..

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