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Monday, July 30, 2007

Long Weekend! Airshow and Wedding

Well just a quick update, was at a friends wedding on Saturday, was good to see people we hadn't seen for ages. My only bugbear was that due to the wife's op she's still banned from driving, which meant that i was completely unable to drink as i was forced to do the "driving thing". Ordinarily I'd have stayed locally and it wouldn't have been an issue, but with the baby in tow, and a family outing on Sunday i figured the best bet was just to get some kip in our own bed before the next day.
Bamburgh castle was fabulous, really nice and well suited to the civil ceremonies, the "Scottish invasion" was successful and kilts were worn by all the menfolk involved in the wedding (making me glad I wasn't!)
Congratulations to the pair, i really can't believe I've been married two years already, and there's a sprog in the cot. God that's flown over.
I'm too shattered to blog about what we did on Sunday with the family, but I'll say this. Sunderland International Air Show, 5 Adults, 3 Children (0-3) a picnic and a rising tide!
Here's one of the video's i took, it's a small clip from an F16 flypast that was jaw dropping.


Vastian said...

In a way I hate you right now. I got into the air force after my GCSEs and never went for it, I could have been a pilot. Granted I'm not an American so the really cool planes would have been out of my league anyway, but still...

Anthony Ogden said...

Well personally fella i'm a lover of some of the Brit Air Hardware.
Just for example look at:
Harrier - Who doesn't love it? yes it's old, but it's a great bird.
Tornado - Granted it's not the best interceptor, but it's a jack of all trades and is magnificent in the targetted ground attack role.
Eurofighter - Yet to be proven, but it looks magnificent and sounds awe inspiring.
And when you look back at past aircraft, look at the Jaguar and the Vulcan.. mmmmmmmmmm niiiice
With future entries into service including the JSF Which looks pretty nice. :)

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

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