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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weight Loss

Haven't posted on this blog for a very, very long time. Mainly because i've been too preoccupied with the little one (who is now not quite so little) she's approaching 17 months old already. Gosh time flies when you're having fun.

Basically in July 08 i decided that i'd had enough of my overeating and basic snacking for no reason. As a result I weighed myself and was disgusted with the result. I was 21st! That means over the space of five years 2003 - 2008 i'd put on at least 4 stone and lets face it even 17st isn't exactly healthy.

So Between July and November if been spending as much time as i could swimming and gymming. Currently i'm weighing in at 17st 5lb. Overall i'm happy with the weight loss to date, there's been a few times i've fallen off the wagon but overall i've continued to lose weight steadily. This month things seem to have tailed off and i'm really not behaving as i should, i've been eating all those things i've been avoiding and i've not been to the gym at all. So I've managed to convince myself thatif i post here and make this knowledge public, it might give me that push i need to try and behave myself.

So the goal for Christmas it to try and get my weight down to 16st 7lb. If i can get into the 16st bracket i'll be happy, but if i can get down to that target i'll be extremely pleased.

Only negative at the comments so far are:

1. The cost of new clothes! Going from a "tight" 42" waist back down to 38 means that those clothes that did fit now hang off me and need replacing! Same goes for all the shirts and tops etc.. XXXL was the only decent fit before, at the moment i can't seem to find a happy medium with the XL or XXL stuff, hell i've even got some older "L" tops that are close to being wearable.
2. The gym and swimming time is frustrating as it means that i'm missing time with wife and child (which annoys them as much as it annoys me). It's not so bad if i swim first thing in a morning before work, but i'm a late riser so getting up to do this is a real chore, and also means that i have to use the second car (which we're looking to sell very soon).
3. Missing all the naughty things. I couldn't confess to having cut the bad foods out of my diet entirely but changing the habits of a lifetime is very difficult. I struggle to walk past, Burger King, McDonalds, Greggs, Peters, KFC etc..etc... without getting a case of severe drooling. I've also always had a fascination with chocolate, so i'm finding avoiding anything Cadburys is virtually impossible. So i've taken to the "treat size" bags full of them. At least if i have one of them i've not deprived myself of something i crave, but i've also not gone completely overboard.
4. Events, Birthdays, Fireworks, Party's etc..etc.. i find myself unable to participate to the extent i used to previously. I'm now concious that everything i put through my lips be it drink or food, it impacts upon my target, and consequently i often find enjoying the moment to be much more challenging.
5. Holidays and Days off! God those times where we go away, similar to 4, how do you avoid food if you're sitting around doing very little? I seem to eat when i'm not doing anything else, therefore i'm finding that i have to make a great deal of concious effort NOT to eat when i have spare time.

Right i'll leave it there for now, but i'll post again soon, i'm going to try and keep a slight record of my weight loss here, whether it's a weekly or Monthly entry i'm not sure at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up SiR! Apples when playing CoH!

Anthony Ogden said...

lmao cheers :)

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