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Saturday, June 09, 2007

T-Minus 5 days

Assuming that the little blighter arrives on time (as such neither late, nor early!) then the delivery can be expected at any point on Wednesday of next week. It's quite amazing when i look back and think about how long i've been waiting for this moment.
I have to be completely honest and say that as of this moment i'm really not phased, worried or even the slightest be scared about the coming whirlwind of activity and shock we're about to undergo. Frankly i think i'm slightly stunned in anticipation.
The nursery is done and the house is in relatively good shape, so it's all just a waiting game at the moment. In an effort to distract myself as much as is possible from the strangeness that is coiled and ready to occur i have been spending my online time playing a number of games. I'll list them for ease:
  • Company of Heroes - i'm afraid i am still absolutely pathetic at this game versus other players. I always thought i was pretty good at RTS games, but the manner in which people seem to dispatch me i think it's relatively clear that my performance is definitely below that which i believed.
  • ARMA (Armed Assault) - Wow! just literally WOW! i remembered Op Flashpoint being a fantastic game, i regularly used to play it repeatedly and discuss my exploits with Ryan, but i've been utterly blown away by ARMA. I have only just started playing the single player campaign tonight (for the last four hours) and i have to say that it's just as good (if not far superior) to the original. In this one you even get to pick and choose auxillary missions to improve your chances in the main missions. Wow! simply amazing, the depth is fantastic. There's been a couple of missions so far where i've been at the point of death and crawling 2000m to an evac point with a chopper and infantry chasing me in the pitch black because my legs have been shot out from under me. Well done Codemasters, fantastic work!
  • Battlefield (2, 2142 & Vietnam) - Now i wont review these, but they're simply the best FPS action to be had for pickup and play killing. I'm not a massive fan of Vietnam or 2142 but they're great for taking your mind off things with a few good kills.
A friends informed me that he's ordered IL-2: 1946 so i think i'll install that again this weekend if i get chance, i've got so much planned but what's the odds that as soon as i start having some fun the littleone will make it's presence felt and force us to spend some time debating whether labours started!

I'll leave it at that for now, oh other than Vastian, if you're watching... YES i'd love to give you a hand. Personally i've been thinking about doing something similar but for book reviews. With my wife being in the trade we've got hundreds of books lying around, that we've either read or ignored. I'm tempted to start Archiving them and writing reviews myself. So your ideas piqued my interest despite being a slightly different topic.

1 comment:

Vastian said...


All systems report go no go status for launch.

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