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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

D Day - Anniversary

I've just realised i completely missed this anniversary, I've had so many things buzzing around my mind recently that i really didn't even notice the sixth had been and gone.
So with a mind looking back now i'm just going to post a poem. Quite apt i feel, i found it posted on the BBC History websites.

Do not call me hero,
When you see the medals that I wear
Medals maketh not the hero,
They just prove that I was there.

Do not call me hero,
Now that I am old and grey,
I left a lad, returned a man,
They stole my youth that day.

Do not call me hero,
When we ran the wall of hail,
The blood, the fears, the cries, the tears
We left them where they fell.

Do not call me hero,
Each night I stop and pray,
For all the friends I knew and lost,
I survived my longest day.

Do not call me hero,
In the years that pass,
For all the real true heroes,
Have crosses, lined up on the grass.

By Rob Aitchison

To all those Veterans irrespective of nationality or the battles in which you fought.

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