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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

T-Minus 0 days!

Though the signs of labour seem to be nowhere in sight. Most recent contact indicates that she is in fine fettle and has no intention of birthing today.
Sadly until the "event" begins i'm stuck at work, so i'll keep this short and succinct. Frankly i want to be at home with my wife, but frustratingly as HMG only deem 2 weeks leave to be appropriate that's impossible at this time.
With all the fuss over pensions at the moment you'd think that the government might cut fathers to be a little slack at the moment. Seeing as we're in the middle of a "Baby Boom" (i have my doubts but the sensationalist media; ok i don't really mean that but i thought it was funny! have informed us that there is indeed a boom of babys presently) One might think that it would be sensible to encourage those of us that want to procreate to have more children who will work to pay off our pensions over the next 70 years. But it seems even the sensible decree to allow fathers to be four weeks paternity leave has been rejected. Four weeks! for gods sake it's not like the time isn't needed. But then as men we are second rate citizens these days, not even needed for procreation apparently.
That'll do for now, it's not as if my complaints will change anything, perhaps i should consider becoming an MP!

1 comment:

Vastian said...

You should get yourself a stress ball.

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