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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ooops been kinda busy!

Well actually no point lying about it, i've been slacking mostly. Kicking back playing some DAoC, WoW and some Silent Hunter 3. On the occassions i've managed to get some time off of lucking after Mrs Aven and her 30 week bump!
Was watching a few episodes of CSI series 6 tonight and the little blighter was kicking and rolling like a barrel going over niagra! Previously it was only ever a small movement or slight bump, but today is the first time i've actually been able to feel and see what was going on. I get the feeling the bump really isn't keen on CSI but is willing to put up with it if we want to watch it, but only after making it's distaste known.
I'm really looking forwards to meeting the little monster and showing it who's the boss! (no doubt it'll have mastered me in under an hour and i will be forever it's bitch) but that's not the point.
It's becoming quite clear now that working full days is really taking it out of Mrs Aven, we're lucky if she lasts past 9pm in an evening. and to make things worse she's not taking a break and whenever she's off work she spends most of the day on the laptop working from home. Somethings gotta give soon, and i'm pretty sure that'll be Maternity leave starting early (though she wont admit she's thinking about that) Not to worry, as we enter the final 12 week home things a really set to hit the fan! :)
Quick shout out to Ryan - for telling me he was playing a rugby match in sunderland this weekend and my apologies for not turning up despite the 5 minute walk to get to ashbrooke (i know, i'm a lazy bastard!) sorry mate! :( I promise i'll come watch you play sooooon!!
And a big! hooooyaaaaa to my boys (and girls) in Majestic Disturbance! It's been awesome playing with you all again, i'm really enjoying Lamorak! being back in Hib is like being home again! See you on the battlefields!

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