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Friday, March 02, 2007

VM & Sky, DAoC and Aliens!!!!

Well i've really enjoyed watching the big fuss over Virgin Media Group and Sky these last few days. In absolute honesty i was of the belief that a last minute deal would be reached between the two companies. I believed that wholeheartedly until 11:59 last night. I wasn't expecting the signal to just drop. I have to be honest, i didn't watch it until midnight, so i don't know what time they pulled it but when i turned on Sky One this morning i was expecting more than a blank screen. However! I'm happy to see VM stand up to Sky and refuse to pay an unreasonable amount. I have no intention of returning to Sky (Despite my displeasure with the 4mb broadband) i'm quite happy with them. The only thing that really angers me is the fact the VoD (View on Demand) content they keep harping on about, it's either Pay Per View meaning that because i no longer get sky i have to pay a fee to watch each episode! or It's old content that i've seen before.
I'm going to phone Virgin at some point next week once the fuss has died down to see if i can get V+ installed to compensate for the loss of these channels. Reason being we've still got a sky dish and Sky offered me a Sky+ box for nothing provided i paid the £10 a month for the services. (as opposed to a £75 installation + £10p.m

DAoC wise, i've returned to the classic server cluster tonight, i was against returning to the game prior to 1.88 being released as i'm primarily an Archer and at present we're the weakest classes on the table! However a friend of mine told me he'd returned and as WoW was getting repetitive without my duo partner to level with i've decided to go back to Gareth for a while. At present i'm not sure this is the best thing to do BUT i'm back playing Hib for a while so i've started a new toon (Bubblecow) on Lamorak and will be trying to get levelled up a little whenever i'm not playing something else.

And finally tonight i spotted Aliens (James Cameron's finest film imho) on Ch4, i thought this would just be a highly edited and disapointing version, however much to my suprise they actually showed the full Special Edition version (possibly slightly edited but i didn't spot it!) Kudos to Ch4, i'd grown accustomed to having to dig out the old VHS out whenever i wanted to watch this and was grateful to be able just to settle down infront of the TV and enjoy an awesome Sci-fi film. Well done C4!



Vastian said...

Might have been proper Aliens, but it's still annoying having an ad break in the middle of a gunfight or just when the aliens are sneaking about with mischievous intent.

Anthony Ogden said...

It's better than no aliens at all.

I'm growing to realise that unfortunately adverts are not going anywhere :(

Vastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vastian said...

Tivo, just start watching 15 minutes later. :)

Agree totally with your blog post, Aliens is definitely the pinnacle of James Cameron's career, not least for the Colonial Marines.

(sorry that there's a big comment deleted gap in your page now, wasn't happy with my original wording)

Anthony Ogden said...

Oh well :) shit happens lol.

Am trying to persuede the wife that we need one of these TIVO type devices, not doing too well on that though :(

Vastian said...

Tell her she will never again miss an episode of the Bold and the Beautiful. :)

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