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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Film4 & baby kicks!

Wow i've been impressed with Film 4 recently, since it went over to freeview i dont think there's been many nights when i've actually gone to bed without watching or falling asleep to a good film. Fair enough many people will complain they keep repeating some films for days on end but i'm not a person who objects to that really. It's been years since i've seen the likes of 24 Hour Party People, The Deer Hunter, Once upon a Time in America, Forrest Gump, Chariots of Fire etc.. etc.. Most of them are films i don't actually have in my DVD collection (though i'm not sure why).
Well done Film4, Thank you!
They're no Sky movies, but on the same token they don't cost anyone a penny to watch, They're mostly Great films! (interspliced with some incredibly strange and thought provoking films, not forgetting the downright strange films aswell....)

Lastly, i didn't realise just how hard the baby has been kicking my wifes innards until this morning, i woke up to find myself being kicked in the back. Initially i thought it must be the dog on the bed or possibly my wife pushing me, but it wasn't. Truth was she was trying to hug me and the baby was unimpressed with being squashed and forced to share the space with his/her soon to be daddy. I wouldn't be suprised if i actually have a slight bruise from the beating i took! 15 weeks to go... remains to be seen if she'll last that long!!! She's insisting she will as she's travelling to the London Book Fair at 32 weeks pregnant (much to my disgust!) but so long as she manages to keep the blighter in till April we're all good!

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