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Monday, March 05, 2007

Tiring weekend!

Well That weekend was one i'd like to get over as soon as possible. Frankly I'm exhausted and should have been in bed hours ago. especially considering it's back to working full days from Monday (ie, today!)
Well it started out like any other weekend when the wifes off work, with the exception that I've been getting a bit jumpy since the 15 weeks to go barrier was crossed. Not in a bad way, but jumpy regarding the fact that simple things like, nursery, cot, pushchair, car seat, pram etc.. haven't been bought yet. Nor really discussed. So! as Friday evening came and went i THE MAN OF THE HOUSE stood up to be noticed! I said I AM MAN! and voiced my displeasure at the lack of action thus far.

I needn't have bothered as i was soon smothered in websites and detailed research notes (and some complaints about inaction to date) The following day was planned and by 11am Saturday i was already on the way into Newcastle. Little did i realise that we'd have purchased one of these before lunch, and after a manly outburst one of these to accompany it! I'll admit, i'm a wuss and it was too cute to resist. Thankfully we didn't pay full price for either of these as i was 100% adamant i wouldn't buy overpriced mamas and papas junk! (Honestly though the build quality faaaaar surpasses most companies products of comparable value! which is annoyingly satisfying).
By the time that was done there was still another 4 or more hours of shopping time left and i was dragged to the MetroCentre.

Avidly i paid as little attention as i could while being dragged around as it was time to experiment with prams/car seats/pushchairs. Now i'll be honest here, we HAVE looked around before going to visit the shops as i wanted to be able to see what i liked before looking in stores. Now i found something online for £330 that i loved (as did the wife after seeing a film showing it) but after seeing the Hauck Infinity in person i decided it looked absolutely awful. Eventually and after an extremely long chat to a really helpful assistant (ooooh that sounds belittling of her, she was by far more than a simple spotty shop assistant!) we found a few pushchairs that we liked. They were a Silver Cross pram, a Bebeconfort Loola, or a Quinny. Now luckilly my mother had offered to buy these expensive pieces of kit, but as we couldn't settle on one we retreated home for a rest and recouperation (via Team valley!) while we contemplated the next move. I phoned my mother and explained our minds had been changed and instead we wanted a different pram but couldn't decide. So she came up today to help. Just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons we visited Mamas and Papas and found the Pramette (Image up top) which i think my mother fell in love with as much as i did. It's just the final price tag of over £550 when the carseat, pram, bag and raincover are thrown in that are causing palpitations!!! However i think splitting the cost will be the way to go as we all love it.


Vastian said...

Make sure when you're splitting the cost to count the baby too, by the time he/she's old enough that £184 will have accrued a decent amount of interest that ought to take the edge of 18 years sponsorship.

Anthony Ogden said...

Interesting concept! I'll see what they say! ;)

Vastian said...

Don't ever let the kid know until he/she turns 18, then land them with the bill whenever they come begging money to go out for the night.

Unknown said...

It is routine that everybody will be exhausted by the weekend .I think you are in search of good baby products so why don’t you try the new Mickey sport buggy which is well padded with 100% polyester fleece and a removable washable cover the back of the chair has multi position lay back to suit for your child .

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