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Thursday, September 07, 2006


I was hunting through my bookshelves on sunday night (well more likely it was actually early monday morning) when i stumbled across a pile of games i'd completely forgotten i owned.
There were quite a few "classics" well in my opinion they are, and i thought over the next few weeks i'd go back and play through some of them again. (though some i don't think i actually bothered installing in the first place).

I've decided to install Homeworld first. It was a game i adored first time around, but i found it incredibly difficult to cope with the amount of micromanagement you had to do to keep a fleet going successfully. Also i have to admit that i was well and truly trounced by a friend online and sort of gave up on the multiplayer aspect quite early on.

Suprisingly considering this was a Windows 95/98 game it launched well on windows XP, and looked much better once i ramped the gfx res setting up to 1600x1200. It worked fine on my Geforce 6800GT.

Basic setting for the game is that of a race testing out their first hyperspace capable ship above their homeworld. In the middle of the hyperspace test an enemy fleet turns up and vaporises the planet and the building platform so no more ships can be built. You manage to rescue some cryogenic trays containing 100,000 of your people and unable to help anyone down below you begin a quest of sorts to find a new home planet and to repay those that destroyed your world with vengance.

Those of you old enough to remember the original (or possibly have seen the new series) of Battlestar Galactica might recognise the plot somewhat. However despite this Homeworld is actually a beautiful and absorbing game. The story arc is progressed as you "hyperspace between zones" and/or as your playing through each scenario. I have to say it sucked me in completely. I played for an hour on monday morning and went to bed at 2am, but spent the whole day following wishing i'd played slightly differently and about what i'd do next. Thus far this week alone i believe i've probably lost about 9 hours to this game.

Playing an RTS in 3d does appear a little difficult on the surface, but it takes little time to master the movement methods and you'll easilly get to grips with "grouping" ship types together and tactics/formations.

I can't believe how well this game has stood the test of time. In my personal opinion it's one of the best RTS games i've played and is pretty much completely unique, i'm just sad that relic only managed one expansion (cataclysm) and one follow up. If your out there relic, i know sierra own the rights but seriously! you have to release a new one! off the back of the last few days nostalgia i've even purchased Homeworld 2 which somehow wasn't in my collection already.

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