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Saturday, February 21, 2009

More Weight loss

Well again i haven't posted for ages.

In all honesty not much to report, weight loss has stalled, but i'm down a stone from the last update, so i'm please with that progress anyway. I was hoping to be under 16st by now, but i'm actually hovering around 16st 7lb at the moment.
Despite the exercise and the weights i've been lifting progress is frustratingly slow. I have been telling myself it's because i've been gaining muscle mass but i'm deluding myself, i've not put enough effort (or dietary effort) for any real hypertrophy.
So i'm keeping it short again. basically good things so far

Total Weight loss now roughly 4st 7lb. with another 2st 7lb before i reach my initial intended target.
Started new job in Jan
Elliot is doing well
Billie is well
and i'm all good!

Only negative so far this year has been the dogs ailing health. It appears that he has liver failure but for the moment he's on steroids and has been eating and regained some of the weight he lost. So thus far he seems ok.
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