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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Finally fixed!

Well it's taken a couple of weeks, but at last looseheads machine is back up and running in a stable state.
My original suggestion of replacing the PSU wasn't the solution unfortunately, so he's a little more out of pocket than intended, however it's a decent 480W PSU so if he does decide to upgrade it should be sufficient.
The source of the problem seems to have been a 5 year old IBM deskstar HDD. He was running on a 30GB HDD as for some reason i couldn't get the slave drive working alongside it originally. And it seems the issue is with the drive. However i still can't actually discover what the drive problem was... other than to describe the fault.

Intermittent "Freezing" at any point, when loading files, booting or basically doing things that accessed the HDD. Often the case "speaker" would let out a few warbles and beeps intermittently. However the strange thing is that sometimes the drive would run for anything between 1minute and 12 hours. That's partly why i thought it was a PSU issue, something voltage related.

I had the new drive up and running between 7pm Friday - 4pm Saturday afternoon without any issues. Hopefully that'll keep up and he wont have any further issues.

On a similar note, i'm thinking it's probably about time i formatted this machine again. It's been around 9 months since i got this machine up and running, and whilst i've not really noticed any significant performance drops there is some noticeable slowdown. To try and compensate for that i've been running spyware, registry and defrag utils on a weekly basis, which do appear to have improved the situation slightly.. but there's nothing quite like a fresh install to cheer a person up.

Perhaps i'll hold off until November or December and pick up one of the last dual core socket 939 chips, a slight upgrate to take me into the new year.. :) Not sure if the Dual core will make a big difference but at least it'll put me in a position whereby the next upgrade will have to be a big one (replacement gfx card for switch over to PCI-E) mobo, chip and ram. perhaps i'll go for an Intel chip next time, i've ben running an AMD variant for the last 6 years or so, i fancy a change.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Still having problems...

Well i'm off to Looseheads again tonight to see if i can finally fix this PC problem.

The PSU and a new HD arrived in the post yesterday. He's already installed the new PSU, which to all accounts is performing nicely, but unfortunately the PSU wasn't the cause of the problem.
In-fact from what he's told me the noises the machine is making would indicate that the problem is worse with the more stable power supply. Odd i think.
However i'll be over there tonight to replace the HDD and once again completely re-install windows.
I'm getting concerned now though.. he is suggesting the HDD is failing because of the noises made during disk access, but personally i've never heard "system" beeps when a HDD is going. In-fact when they've failed on me in the past i've never actually been able to get the machine to boot.

His problem is still the same, the PC will boot then run anything from 1 minute - 7 hours without a problem and then it'll freeze. Loose is suggesting that this is during "disk" access hence his blaming the HDD. However i've done disk checks on it and virus checks but i can't find a single issue. God knows, i'm just crossing my fingers the format and re-install works.
Otherwise it's going to be a case of replacing each item individually until it fires up properly, and frankly if we're going to do that he might aswell pick up something decent, my old Athlon XP 3000+ is looking tired next to some of the modern dual core stuff.

I'm looking at replacing my Opty 144 1800 with a Dual Core X2 4800+ (939) if i can put the money together to afford it. i figure it's easier to do that and remain on the AV8, than move over to a PCI express board which would probably necessitate new CPU/Mobo/gfx card/possibly RAM and ideally a pair of sata hdd's.
Though that's much more expensive than i can afford. much easier just to find £150 for a new chip as an upgrade than to completely replace the whole innards of the case. :/

Anyway fingers crossed i'll have loose's machine up, running and fixed tonight.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I was hunting through my bookshelves on sunday night (well more likely it was actually early monday morning) when i stumbled across a pile of games i'd completely forgotten i owned.
There were quite a few "classics" well in my opinion they are, and i thought over the next few weeks i'd go back and play through some of them again. (though some i don't think i actually bothered installing in the first place).

I've decided to install Homeworld first. It was a game i adored first time around, but i found it incredibly difficult to cope with the amount of micromanagement you had to do to keep a fleet going successfully. Also i have to admit that i was well and truly trounced by a friend online and sort of gave up on the multiplayer aspect quite early on.

Suprisingly considering this was a Windows 95/98 game it launched well on windows XP, and looked much better once i ramped the gfx res setting up to 1600x1200. It worked fine on my Geforce 6800GT.

Basic setting for the game is that of a race testing out their first hyperspace capable ship above their homeworld. In the middle of the hyperspace test an enemy fleet turns up and vaporises the planet and the building platform so no more ships can be built. You manage to rescue some cryogenic trays containing 100,000 of your people and unable to help anyone down below you begin a quest of sorts to find a new home planet and to repay those that destroyed your world with vengance.

Those of you old enough to remember the original (or possibly have seen the new series) of Battlestar Galactica might recognise the plot somewhat. However despite this Homeworld is actually a beautiful and absorbing game. The story arc is progressed as you "hyperspace between zones" and/or as your playing through each scenario. I have to say it sucked me in completely. I played for an hour on monday morning and went to bed at 2am, but spent the whole day following wishing i'd played slightly differently and about what i'd do next. Thus far this week alone i believe i've probably lost about 9 hours to this game.

Playing an RTS in 3d does appear a little difficult on the surface, but it takes little time to master the movement methods and you'll easilly get to grips with "grouping" ship types together and tactics/formations.

I can't believe how well this game has stood the test of time. In my personal opinion it's one of the best RTS games i've played and is pretty much completely unique, i'm just sad that relic only managed one expansion (cataclysm) and one follow up. If your out there relic, i know sierra own the rights but seriously! you have to release a new one! off the back of the last few days nostalgia i've even purchased Homeworld 2 which somehow wasn't in my collection already.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Well just got home..

Had another late night, went to visit Ryan to see if i could solve his PC problems... Of course as soon as i get there the machine was working completely fine. I sped up the Fan on the CPU heatsink in-case the machine had been overheating in the hot, stuffy weather but no matter what i did with the machine i couldn't get it to freeze as he was describing, and there was definately no bios beeping that he'd complained about.
Frankly i haven't the foggiest what was wrong with it.. though it wouldn't suprise me if the ex army PSU (600w) that he fitted or the lack of h/d space is what's causing the problem.
I gave up when i couldn't find anything wrong... updated his Antiviral program and set his brothers machine away defragging and checking for spyware.
Needless to say within a couple of hours of me getting home i'm told it's frozen again! i'm starting to think that Mr loosehead is extremely good at breaking things when i aint free to fix em... ;) you know i <3 you mate! lol


Back to work...

Wonder what it is that makes returning to work after a long weekend so hard, stomach was churning all morning as i was desperate not to go in. But as per normal by the time it hit 12 i realised i had no choice.. i managed to delay that moment by another hour (thank god for flexi time!) but i went in eventually.
Another dull day... same people, same problems, same answers... despite opening late to cover "customer requirements" i didn't speak to a single customer after 6pm... frankly i think they've better things to do.
The thing i hate most about late night shifts is that when i get home in an evening i don't seem to be able to switch off my mind. Tonight was no different, i sat awake until 4am wednesday morning. i suspect Apocolypse Now: Redux is partly to blame for that, but it's the same every night i work late, even if i don't throw a film on i end up sitting in the dark wide awake.
Oh well.. i'll post todays later...


Monday, August 28, 2006

Bank Hols!


A day of sun, fun and joy.... or maybe not. Spent the whole day bored stiff, jumped on and off DAoC on occassions but couldn't find much to keep me entertained.

Ended up with my hands under the floor helping the in-laws with rebuilding our central heating pipes.

Well that'll do for tonight, i'm knackered and filthy!


Sunday, August 27, 2006

Warhammer Online & PoE2

Well had an interesting day today, The in-laws were visting to do some work on the house and were quite happilly eating us out of house and home all day. Not that it bothers either of us, we're grateful for their knowledge and labour to help with fitting the new central heating. ;)

I spent some of today playing the Point Of Existence BF2 mod that was released on friday with my ~SiR~ clan mates on the Cannabis City server. I haev to admit i was impressed with the mod, but after a few hours i can be certain that i far prefer vanilla BF2. PoE is good, but preferably (for me) in small doses.

After messing around on PoE i went and joined my guildmates on DAoC for a few hours of hunting, The Hibs had truly buggered up the Alb frontier overnight and were pushing to take our relics, so a CTA was called and we helped resecure the homelands. Afterwhich i spent a few hours (unsuccessful for the most part) hunting targets around Beno, Bled and DF before finally getting frustrated and logging for the night.
Before hitting the sack i decided to take a look at what Mythic has been cooking up with Warhammer and after watching the trailer i find myself eagerly looking forwards to this new MMO. Though i suspect it's likely to be late 2007 or even 2008 before it's actually launched, it is looking bloody fantastic! The trailers appear to be FMV rather than actual game screenshots, but i dont mind, i've seen some sneaks from E3 that were uploaded to youtube and i hope this game lives up to expectations. Mythic did well with DAoC's RvR system and i hope to see more from Warhammer.

I'll update this with hyperlinks tomorrow, but for now i really need to get some sleep (2am!!)


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Grey hunting..

Well i spent a lot of Saturday evening hunting players in Darkness Falls. Much of it using my scout.
I've spent years playing DAoC and up until today i've NEVER questioned the fact that a level 50 player can sweep in and kill a new player just for shits and giggles. The lowbie doesn't even stand the slightest chance. Frankly having played the game so long i've been on the receiving end of "grey" hunting more times than i can possibly remember. I've always treated it as a "well i was in an RvR zone, it was bound to happen". But today having spent four hours making a few lowbies lives miserable i finally got to see the side of the hunter.
In honesty i always thought it'd be great getting just desserts on all of those bastards that did it to me. But something didn't quite sit right with me. I had an awful distaste for what i was doing. So much so i even posted a thread on the "Critshot" forum To be honest it's starting to look like most people try to leave the lowbies alone and i very much believe i will in future also.
Although on that note i just found out a few minutes ago that killing the lowbies still counts towards your kill statistics, so despite not earning realm points for killing them you can still earn the special titles for deathblows or solo kills. Pathetic.. yes, i think so..

Friday, August 25, 2006

just a quick one..

Went to the petrol station at the local asda this evening. Thank god the petrol prices are finally dropping again. cost me 91.9p a litre tonight, which is better than the 96.9p i paid last week.
That alone knocked a few pounds off the final price for filling the tank. Not a lot, but enough to buy myself a bottle of Leffe blonde, which i drank a half pint of tonight.
Haven't played BF2 tonight at all, despite receiving a few texts off Loosehead asking me if i'd be on, i'm glad i spent the night with Billie though, she's been getting a little annoyed at work and it was nice to cheer her up a little.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

More Yallaah!

Well spent most of last night arsing around on BF2 with a some of the ~SiR~ Clan, and i've got a slight gripe with BF2's maps.
We ended up playing on the Kubra Dam map, the server we were on was a 64 player server so all the vehicles were available (Attack Choppers, Jets etc..) But the server only had around 25 people on it.
So basically we spent the whole round (both) pinned down by assault choppers, jets and artilliery, while the enemy forces rounded up the whole map and exterminated the survivors.
I'm not against jets on maps but when they succeed in ruining an hours worth of gaming it defeats the purpose. I personally love flying an assault chopper and wouldn't want to see them removed from the game but at least infantry stand a chance against them
Just GRRRRRRR!!!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nacho Libre

Well, off to watch Nacho Libre tonight. Not entirely sure whether I'm looking forwards to it or not. On one hand I've not seen anything starring Jack Black that i didn't enjoy. However I'm not really a fan of wrestling, I've seen relatively little about the film and the trailers haven't made it seem too interesting.
I'm hoping it's going to be a very Dodgeball'ish film for me, that movie didn't appeal in the slightest, so much so that both I and my wife were totally against watching it and snubbed it's cinematic release. Something i now regret having watched it on DVD (and now owning it). Here's hoping I'll be rolling on the floor with laughter before i get home tonight.
Well i got home about an hour ago, i have to admit i enjoyed Nacho Libre though it wasn't the hilarious film i was expecting. As i said earlier, I'm not a massive wrestling fan so perhaps i didn't quite get the nuances intended but i did get a laugh out of the film. Billie fell asleep about 1/2 way through, so i guess that clearly dictates what she thought of the film.
All in all, good for a lads night but it's not one most girlfriends/wives would be happy to sit through, unless they're massive Jack Black fans.
On a slightly different note though, the soundtrack was hilarious. I'm struggling to get "Mr Loco - Religious Man (I am I am) out of my head. I managed find it on Myspace here


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Woot! old friend visited!

Well work was rough, but i guess it's just the same as it always was. Had some good news tonight an old school friend came to visit. She's a friend of my other half and it's the first time we've seen her since we got married.
Spent the whole evening catching up and talking about mutual friends, careers and just general chit chat about almost any subject you can think of. Along with perusing a few of the picture galleries on her laptop! (sheesh... flashy teachers and their free laptops!) ;)
Was fab to see Ems again, it's incredible to think we left school almost 9 years ago, clearly some of us have done really well with our careers since then, and others like me still can't find our niche in life.
That'll do for tonight, though i'm a little downhearted i missed a good night with ~SiR~ the unexpected visit more than compensated for it.


Monday, August 21, 2006

Please ~SiR~ may i have some Yallaah!!

Just off to join the lads for a game of BF2, might add more once we're done.

We'll be on:
Anyone is welcome to join us, so long as you behave yourselves and stick to the server rules! The only risk of kicking if you stick to those is just to make space for members.

Cya later! Yallaaaah!!!

[Edit] Well just finished 3 hours or so of pure mayhem on the clan server, if you were there great! well played! if not why??!!?

Big thanks to all the ~SiR~ guys for providing such an awesome server and for having such good sense of humours! It's just like The BridgeBurners is, wasn't expecting that when i signed up. :)


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Leffe mmmm...

Really short note to say thanks to my colleagues that bought me a couple of large bottles of Leffe when i left work on Friday, i gratefully opened them both earlier this evening and proceeded to drink myself into a merry state.
I found Leffe Braun to be a very nice beer, it was a little strong for my tastes, it was quite caramelly but still a nice drink, very easy to drink during a meal. Though i found Leffe Blonde to be much more to my tastes, it was suprisingly fruity, and light despite being a higher %age.
Of course my other half wasn't impressed with my drinking and decided to explain just how many calories i'd just poured down my neck, but frankly after three pints i wasn't really bothered and was feeling the munchies coming on.

On another note, we watched the latest Harry Potter film on DvD, it was better than i remembered at the cinema, but i'm not entirely sure whether that was down to the Leffe or simply my mood.

That'll do for tonight, work in the morning and unfortunately a long drive now i'm back in the normal office.

Toodle Pip!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

New Blog! and a couple of book reviews

Well, frankly i'm not really sure what i'm going to be posting here.

Initially i was thinking along the lines of grumbles and moans, but i'm pretty sure that's been overdone to hell by one and all, but i don't see why i should refrain! Might post a few game or book reviews if i feel up to it, been reading a lot recently. Kinda through the wife, plenty of upcoming kids books that i've really enjoyed.

On the note of books i'd like to heartily suggest a couple right away.

  • Marcus Sedgewick - My Swordhand is Singing
    There's not much i can say about this book i didn't love. i was dubious, my wife thrust it upon me unexpectedly! The first chapter had me hooked and it was not what i was expecting. It's based on vampire lore, though they typically seem more of an undead zombie type of vampire than the traditional Bram Stoker style Dracula character. It's the story of a woodcutters son, his fathers past and of course the undead. If you loved Sabriel you'll adore this!

  • Elizabeth Kostovo - The Historian
    Another Vampiric book, more in common with Bram Stoker this time, it's told from the perspective of a historian that has been caught up in a search for a missing professor Rossi, which drags him and a number of others into a worldwide hunt for information on Vlad Dracula, and the history of his death. I utterly adored this book! not my normal genre, but there's something incredily enchanting about it, i felt myself compelled into reading chapter after chapter! I'd reccomend this one to anyone at all! especially if you're looking for something slightly different!
Well that'll have to do for now it's getting late and i don't think the boss will be too happy if i wake her at this hour when she has work in the morning!

Toodle pip!
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